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Galland Homes is pleases to offer the Naples Autumn Bed – in both a PG and an adult version – at the October round of the Crossroads event.
Visit the Crossroads Event today starting at Noon SL time by clicking HERE!
❖ Bed: 15 Prim LI;
❖ Several texture change combinations (menu controlled by touching the headboard);
❖ The PG Version includes 45 animations and 26 poses;
❖ The Adult version includes 116 animations and 76 poses;
❖ Copy/Modify/No Transfer.
Each version is being offered at an introductory event rate until this round of the Crossroads Event ends (PG: L$475 , Adult: L$1200).
Thank you for your interest in Galland Homes!
This product may be copied and or modified, but not transferred.
Because this product is no transfer, it cannot be returned. Thus, Galland Homes has a no return/refund policy.