Modifying a Mesh House by Galland Homes in Second Life®

I am repeating this post from my old blog because I know many customers have had concerns about how easily mesh can be modified.

Original Post:

“Some customers have expressed apprehension of mesh houses believing that a mesh house does not provide the same flexibility when it comes to making modifications as a prim house.  With some foresight in how the mesh house is constructed, this is not the case at all.

Many residents are used to texturing faces of prims to change a wall color or a floor texture they may want to modify.  Care is taken by Robert Galland during the modeling process to assign specific materials to each face of a mesh prim so that each can hold it’s own texture.  You can change textures on a mesh object just like any old fashioned Second Life cube prim.

Mesh Houses Second Life Modify

As an example, the living room of the Hanalei Retreat mesh house is pictured above.  All objects in the scene are constructed of mesh objects, but you could apply a new texture to the floor without affecting any other prim.  The same goes for each individual wall you see and even the tray ceiling, where you could apply new textures to the upper portion or the lower independently.  One thing to keep in mind during this process is you will lose baked in features such as the ambient occlusion (shadowing).  However, if you have a graphics card which allows you to see SL’s ambient occlusion and shadowing, you will see such effects on your own work anyway.  You would lose materials, however.  Robert takes advantage of the materials capabilities now available which are what gives the floor a natural shine as you walk across it.   (Note, you must enable the “Advanced Lighting” feature in your graphics options to properly see materials.)

Mesh Houses Second Life Modify

Also, each wall is a separate object meaning you can edit linked parts and remove or move walls as you see fit.  You can unlink roof pieces, patios, doors, walls, etc.  As with modifying a prim house, you need some basic second life building knowledge and you will have to make any modified build work for you.  However, modifying a mesh house is easily possible.



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